TV series as tourist attraction

A lot of cities all around the world use TV series and movies shootings to be promoted worldwide. There is no doubt that Game of Thrones is a phenomenon, but apart from its powerful narrative and its ability to gather millions of followers in front of the TV, it has more abilities like make the […]

Las series como reclamo turístico

juego de tronos

Muchas localidades de todo el mundo aprovechan los rodajes de series de televisión y películas para promocionarse mundialmente. Que Juego de Tronos es todo un fenómeno está fuera de toda duda, pero más allá de su potencia narrativa y su facultad para enganchar a millones de seguidores de todo el mundo frente a la pantalla […]

Google Perspective: the new enemy of trolls

Google creates a new tool to eliminate bad comments, threats and insults automatically so as to build a healthier and enriching worldwide web. Internet trolls have a new enemy. Google is developing a new tool to eliminate bad comments, threats and insults automatically to make a better internet, with the absence of disturbing and disgusting […]

Google Perspective: el nuevo enemigo de los trolls

Google crea una nueva herramienta para eliminar todos los comentarios vejatorios, amenazas e insultos de forma automática para ayudar a construir una red más sana y enriquecedora.   Los trolls de internet tienen un nuevo enemigo. Google está desarrollando una nueva herramienta para eliminar los comentarios vejatorios, amenazas e insultos de forma automática para convertir […]

Ghost orchestra returns to Notre Dame thanks to virtual reality

The proyect who leads Brian Katz allows people to walk through the cathedral and listen La Vierge (The Virgin), a XIX century opera by Jules Massenet. In 2012 and 2013, because of Notre Dame 850th anniversary, its orchestra performed Jules Massenet’s La Vierge (The Virgin) in a special program. As it used to be in […]





